Spot: ‘Auto Accidents: Leading Cause of Death’
Client: The Sentinel Group
Length: 60 sec.
Word count: 150 + 10
Style: Authoritative
Market: TV, National, Broadcast
Tag: authoritative
Commercial Demo 46 :: Auto Accidents: Leading Cause of Death
Demo #34: What Do You Care What Other People Think? (audiobook)
Book: What Do You Care What Other People Think?
Author: Richard Feynman
Length: 1:56
Style: Conversational narrator
Market: Audiobook -
Demo #41: The Devil’s Chessboard (audiobook)
Book: The Devil’s Chessboard
Author: David Talbot
Length: 4:40
Style: Authoritative narrator
Market: Audiobook -
Demo #44: Science of Superstition (audiobook)
Book: “The Science of Superstition”
Author: Bruce Hood
Length: 5:09
Style: Authoritative narrator
Market: Audiobook -
Demo #44a :: Toyota Highlander 2020 ‘Aggressively Styled’
Spot: Highlander 2020 ‘Aggressively Styled’
Client: Toyota
Length: 10 sec.
Word count: 23
Style: Assertive, Authoritative
Market: TV, National, Broadcast, Bumper -
Demo #43a :: BMW ‘Rejoin the Road’
Spot: ‘Rejoin the Road’
Client: BMW
Length: 30 sec.
Word count: 73
Style: Assertive, Authoritative
Market: TV, National, Broadcast