Book: The Call of the Wild
Author: Jack London
Category: Adventure Fiction
Year of Publication: 1903
Status: Public Domain text
Length: 3h11m17s
VO Style: Classic storyteller
Market: Audiobook
Tag: friendly
The Call of the Wild – Complete Audiobook
Commercial Demo 48 :: It’s in the Bag
Spot: ‘It’s In The Bag’
Client: My Health Policy
Length: 30 sec.
Word count: 82
Style: Confident, Friendly
Market: TV, National, Broadcast -
Demo #44b :: Toyota Highlander 2020 (alternate)
Spot: Highlander 2020 ‘Aggressively Styled’
Client: Toyota
Length: 10 sec.
Word count: 23
Style: Friendly but excited
Market: TV, National, Broadcast -
Demo #42b :: National Indoor RV Ctr (alternate)
Spot: ‘Expect the Best’
Client: National Indoor RV Ctr.
Length: 30 sec.
Word Count: 51
Style: Friendly, Natural
Market: TV, National, Broadcast -
Demo #42a :: Nat. Indoor RV Ctr
Spot: ‘Expect the Best’
Client: National Indoor RV Center
Length: 30 sec.
Word Count: 51
Style: Friendly, Rough, Rural
Market: TV, National, Broadcast