Book: “The Science of Superstition”
Author: Bruce Hood
Length: 5:09
Style: Authoritative narrator
Market: Audiobook
Category: Demo
Demo :: [all]
Demo #44b :: Toyota Highlander 2020 (alternate)
Spot: Highlander 2020 ‘Aggressively Styled’
Client: Toyota
Length: 10 sec.
Word count: 23
Style: Friendly but excited
Market: TV, National, Broadcast -
Demo #43b :: BMW ‘Rejoin the Road’ (alternate)
Spot: ‘Rejoin the Road’
Client: BMW
Length: 30 sec.
Word count: 73
Style: Gentle, Caring
Market: TV, National, Broadcast -
Demo #42b :: National Indoor RV Ctr (alternate)
Spot: ‘Expect the Best’
Client: National Indoor RV Ctr.
Length: 30 sec.
Word Count: 51
Style: Friendly, Natural
Market: TV, National, Broadcast -
Demo #42a :: Nat. Indoor RV Ctr
Spot: ‘Expect the Best’
Client: National Indoor RV Center
Length: 30 sec.
Word Count: 51
Style: Friendly, Rough, Rural
Market: TV, National, Broadcast -
Character Demo #32 :: Mr. Whiskey Whiskers: felis catus (*NOT* a BBC Life documentary about a domestic cat)
Mr. Whiskey Whiskers: felis catus
(*NOT* a BBC Life documentary about a domestic cat)
Length: 6:46
Word count: 555
Style: Cartoonish David Attenborough
Market: YouTube (short)I was inspired to write/record/edit/produce this short by the fickle behaviour of one of my pet cats, the incomparable Whiskey Whiskers. It is a fun parody, but everything in the video is true. It really was -34℃ on that day, and Whiskey really did ask to go out into the back yard repeatedly, only to change his mind as soon as the door was open. In case you are wondering, only dangerously cold temperatures, or rain, will give Whiskey pause; in the absence of those he bolts through the door as soon as it is opened.